PRO1000S Repair Truetone for 12series/13/13mini without original screen
V1SE repair iphone12series/13/13mini truetone without original screen
V1SE support iphone12 series truetone repair with/without original scren (repair with brand screen)
V1S perfectly repair receiver FPC solve Face ID / truetone failure (V1SE/PRO1000S support as well)
JC V1S Operation video full function
JCID- V1S U-Disk upgrade operation video
Amazing!The Face ID and Ture tone can also be repaired if the handset cable has been replaced/JC V1S
JC V1S Dot lattice model repair Face ID operation video
Repair Face ID/Fix Face ID/Face ID solution
JC V1S Programmer Out-of-the-Box Demo