JCID breaks away from the traditional and proudly introduces the world-exclusive V15PM screen current detection feature! This revolutionary upgrade makes phone repair and screen testing smarter, more efficient, and more accurate than ever before.
Used by most factories, the V15PM screen current detection function adds an extra layer of defense for your screen testing! With V15PM, you can customize the current limits for backlight, display, and touch modules to meet your specific testing needs, ensuring that each screen meets strict factory consistency requirements.
Real-time current monitoring of backlight, display, and touch modules allows you to easily diagnose all screen issues, making testing fast, accurate, and effective.
Current Overload Alerts: Quickly detect short circuits, component aging, or chip failures.
The V15PM screen current detection feature brings a game-changer to mobile phone repair and manufacturing. No more relying on complex testing processes or expensive equipment. With simple settings, you can complete current detection quickly, improving production efficiency and reducing operational costs.
Be the First to Experience JCID V15PM Screen Current Detection Function.
Achieve exceptional product quality and ensure that every screen is a premium product right out of the factory!